Community Activities

International Plasma Awareness Week (IPAW)
Mark your calendars! The 2018 International Plasma Awareness Week (IPAW) will be held October 8-12.
This event is held annually and is designed to:
Raise global awareness about source plasma collection
Recognize the contributions of plasma donors to saving and improving lives
Increase understanding about lifesaving plasma protein therapies and rare diseases.
Events will be held at plasma collection centers in both the U.S. and Europe. To learn more about how you can get involved, click here.

Plasma Man Campaign Fundraiser
Help Spread Global Plasma Awareness buy purchasing a Plasma Man International Plasma awareness t-shirt. Donations and contributions will be used to increase Global Plasma awareness. If you would like to order a T-Shirt, send a email to or a message on Facebook to @teamplasmaman with your size, color and quantity. T-shirts come in all sizes and our colors are; Blue, Yellow, White and Pink for Brest Cancer Awareness. Come join Team Plasma today!

Donor Appreciation
Donors play a key role when it comes to making lifesaving treatments. To show appreciation to the donors, local plasma centers have many rewards. Stop by a local center and see what rewards they have for you.